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Virtual Corporate Meditation Class

Demonstrate a commitment to your team's mental and emotional health

Virtual meditation
Virtual meditation
Sample Guided MeditationKarmen Currie
00:00 / 00:52

Virtual Corporate Meditation Class: Elevate Your Team's Well-Being

Step into a world of tranquility without leaving your workspace with our Virtual Corporate Meditation Experience. Immerse your team in a rejuvenating journey crafted to enhance mind, body, and spirit. Uncover the transformative power of meditation virtually, fostering increased productivity, reduced stress, and a harmonious corporate culture.

Enhanced productivity, reduced stress, and a harmonious corporate culture.

Key Benefits of Meditation for Your Team


  • Stress Reduction: Equip your team with mindfulness tools to navigate the demands of the virtual corporate world.

  • Increased Focus: Sharpen concentration and boost cognitive abilities for more effective decision-making.

  • Enhanced Creativity: Tap into a wellspring of creativity by cultivating a calm and clear virtual mental space.

  • Improved Team Dynamics: Foster stronger connections, communication, and collaboration among virtual team members.

  • Better Work-Life Balance: Provide virtual strategies to maintain a healthy equilibrium between virtual work and personal life.

Corporate meditaiton

What to Expect​


  • Guided Meditation Sessions: Led by experienced virtual instructors, our sessions cater to all levels of meditation experience.

  • Breathwork Techniques: Learn powerful breathing exercises virtually to promote relaxation and mental clarity.

  • Personalized Virtual Approach: Tailored to your virtual corporate environment, addressing the unique needs and challenges of your team.

Demonstrate a commitment to your team's mental and emotional health

Why Choose Our Virtual Corporate Meditation Class


  • Proven Results: Enjoy the proven benefits of virtual meditation backed by scientific research.

  • Flexible Virtual Scheduling: Sessions designed to fit seamlessly into your virtual corporate calendar.

  • Expert Virtual Instructors: Guided by seasoned virtual meditation experts with a corporate focus.

  • Investment in Virtual Employee Well-Being: Demonstrate a commitment to your virtual team's mental and emotional health, ultimately enhancing virtual workplace satisfaction and retention.

Invest in your team's well-being, productivity, and happiness.

Virtual corporate meditaiton

A daily 15-minute meditation has the ability to reduce stress, build employee confidence, and increase productivity. 

Corporate Pricing

Pricing for virtual corporate meditation classes can vary based on factors like class duration, the number of participants, and 3, 6, or 12 month contracts. Here's a simple breakdown below.


1. 15-Minute Virtual Corporate Meditation Class:​​


  • Live Meditation Session

  • Guided Breathwork

  • Cost: Begins @ $100 per session (for 1-12 participants)


**Every virtual class will be recorded and shared with participants after the live event. This enables employees to revisit the 15-minute meditation for the next 5 business days.**


Click the link below to inquire how we can support your team!


How much space will we need?

The session can take place in a common area, boardroom or at the comfort of your desk (at home or at the office).


Do we need equipment or do we need to bring anything?

This depends. If you are at your desk a headset would be ideal. If you plan to meditate together a yoga mat, chair or cushion is needed. 


Do we have to have meditation experience?

Not at all, I will guide you the whole way. The class is inclusive to all levels and beneficial to everyone. 


What is the goal of Virtual Corporate meditation?

The goal is to support employees to live a more balanced life - body, mind and, spirit. To improve office culture, and to bring harmony and wellbeing to everyone. Virtual meditation also has flexibility - if you have a meeting the recording will be sent out after the session is complete allowing you to participate at a later time. 


What is the cost?

The cost varies on number of participates, and contract duration. For more information on contracts and pricing. email: for more details or click the button below. 

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